Class begins on 1/31/2025 and ends on 3/7/2025
Class starts at 6:00 PM and ends at 7:15 PM
Duration: Friday evening for 6 weeks
Class Location: Building A , 2962 Shafto Rd, Tinton Falls, New Jersey 07753
Instructor: Chuck DiIorio (
Class starts at 7:30 PM and ends at 8:30 PM
Class begins on 2/22/2025 and ends on 4/12/2025
Class starts at 9:00 AM and ends at 10:00 AM
Duration: Saturday mornings for 6 weeks (no class 3/15 & 3/29)
Instructor: Rebecca Loffredo (
Class starts at 10:15 AM and ends at 11:15 AM
Class starts at 11:30 AM and ends at 12:30 PM
Members - $120.00
Non Members - $165.00
Class starts at 12:45 PM and ends at 1:45 PM
Duration: Saturday afternoon for 6 weeks (no class 3/15 & 3/29)
Class starts at 2:15 PM and ends at 3:15 PM
Class starts at 3:30 PM and ends at 4:30 PM
Class begins on 1/27/2025 and ends on 3/3/2025
Class starts at 11:00 AM and ends at 12:00 PM
Duration: Monday mornings for 6 weeks
Class Location: Building B, 2962 Shafto Road, Tinton Falls, New Jersey 07753
Members - $156.00
Non Members - $186.00
Class begins on 2/24/2025 and ends on 2/24/2025
Class starts at 1:00 PM and ends at 4:00 PM
Duration: Afternoon Seminar