Building A
2962 Shafto Rd
Tinton Falls
New Jersey
United States
Rally Novice and Intermediate (Competition Obedience Class) - Friday evening - January - March 2025
Class begins on 1/31/2025 and ends on 3/14/2025
Class starts at 6:00 PM and ends at 7:15 PM
Duration: Friday evening for 6 weeks
Training Level: Novice
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Chuck DiIorio (
Class will teach the skills needed for the AKC Rally Novice and Intermediate titles. Rules, regulations and handling tips will be covered. All novice and intermediate signs will be covered and put into short courses to run.
If you are not familiar with the AKC Rally sport please see: In Rally Novice you heel on leash around a course of 10 - 15 signs, performing obedience skills at each sign (e.g., sit walk around dog).
Rally is much less formal than traditional obedience and unlimited communication between you and your dog is encouraged and multiple commands are allowed. It is really fun for both handler and dog and a good way to get your new dog comfortable in the ring.
Drop ins are available for this class if space is available, members $25 and non Members $30. Contact the instructor for availability.
For assistance you can email the registrar at or the instructor with any questions.
All class registration fees must be paid prior to attendance of the first session of class.
Unpaid registrations could result in the registree losing their place in class and if there is a waiting list for that class the next person on the waiting list will be awarded the seat.
Acceptance into any class at Bayshore Companion Dog Club is at the discretion of Bayshore Companion Dog Club.
Class Registration Checks that are returned to the Treasurer will result in a $25.00 returned check fee assessed and payable before the student attends the next session of the class.
Bayshore Companion Dog Club reserves the right to cancel any classes that do not meet minimum attendance requirements.
Class schedules are subject to change without notice.
Exclusion Dates:
This class will not occur on the following dates:
Beginner 2 class (pet program).
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