Building A
2962 Shafto Rd
Tinton Falls
New Jersey
United States
Attention 1 - Obedience Foundation Skills for Performance Sports (Competition Obedience Class) - Thursday evening - Feb-Apr 2025
Class begins on 2/27/2025 and ends on 4/3/2025
Class starts at 6:45 PM and ends at 8:00 PM
Duration: Thursday evenings for 6 weeks
Training Level: Advanced Beginners or continued Puppy Foundation
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Barbara Wirkowski (
This class teaches obedience foundation skills for the performance sports (e.g., obedience, rally, or agility). It is the first in a 2 part series. Class covers the latest techniques in training and includes bowl work, attention, send to place, waits, heeling, tug/release etc. Pet behaviors needed for general obedience are briefly covered (e.g., come, loose leash walking, leave it). Class will be fun and motivational with many games and attention work to build a solid relationship with your dog.
Drop ins are available for this class if space is available, members $25 and non Members $30. Contact the instructor for availability.
For assistance you can email the registrar at or the instructor with any questions.
Dogs should be over 5 months of age. No prior training is required. Dogs may be coming from Puppy Kindergarten class.
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