Building A
2962 Shafto Rd
Tinton Falls
New Jersey
United States
Ring Ready Novice/Teaching Open (Competition Obedience Class) - Wednesday morning - Feb/Mar 2025
Class begins on 2/26/2025 and ends on 4/2/2025
Class starts at 10:30 AM and ends at 11:30 AM
Duration: Wednesday morning for 6 weeks
Training Level: Novice
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Carol Reina (
Mary Ellen Carney (
This class is beneficial to those getting ready to show in Novice as well as those currently showing. Class will be geared to keep your dog fully peaked and motivated for on-going showing, as well as identifying and working any training gaps you and your dog have. This class will help perfect the Novive exercises as well as focus on polishing and proofing. Run-thrus will be conducted.
This class will also teach the skills for the AKC Open exercises. These skills include; retrieve on the flat and over a jump (dumbbell skills of take, hold, and carry), broad jump, command discrimination, drop on recall, and stand stay get your leash. Heeling is minimally covered in this class. Rules and regulations for the AKC Open Obedience class will be reviewed.
Drop ins are available for this class if space is available, members $25 and non Members $30. Contact the instructor for availability.
For assistance you can email the registrar at or the instructor with any questions.
Dogs should know all of the AKC Novice exercises or have instructor approval.
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